Cognitive Behavior Therapy

We use cognitive behavioral treatment to increase positive coping skills and reduce emotional states as anxiety and depression

Emotional states as anxiety and depression are “internalizing” psychological conditions which means that they are negative emotional reactions to stressors or circumstances which result in dysfunctional coping and maladaptive behaviors. The maladaptive responses could be avoidance, withdrawal, self-isolation, emotional melt downs, perseverations, repetitive acts, self-injury, substance use, unhealthy habits (over or under eating or sleeping), etc.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic technique used to reduce negative emotions and problem behaviors by altering both cognitive processes and behaviors.  It is based on the underlying assumption that thoughts are linked to feelings and feelings are linked to behaviors (or actions) and that changing thoughts can change feelings which will subsequently change behaviors or actions.  It also incorporates behavior theory which states that behaviors can be altered by consequences so that reinforcement increases behaviors and negative consequences decrease behaviors.  The following skills are developed through CBT techniques:

Emotional Awareness

  • Ability to recognize feeling state
  • Ability to understand feeling by identifying the cause or precipitator (i.e. trigger)
  • Ability to label and communicate feeling naming emotion word/term
  • Ability to understand that feelings are changeable and dynamic

Cognitive Awareness

  • Ability to use metacognitive skills and think about own thinking
  • Ability to identify thoughts
  • Ability to label thoughts into types: negative, positive, neutral
  • Ability to understand that thoughts are changeable and dynamic

Positive Coping Skills

  • Ability to use thought changing
  • Ability to use purposeful pleasant activities
  • Ability to use relaxation and calming down techniques
  • Ability to use physical monitoring and shifting (i.e. breathing, movement..)
  • Ability to use exercise or movement appropriately
  • Ability to use action oriented approaches
  • Ability to use positive social interaction techniques