Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for TICS

We use CBIT to train an individual how to manage tics and reduce their overall frequency and intensity so that the tic is not impeding day to day living.

We use CBIT, a specific behavioral intervention, to manage and at times eliminate motor or verbal tics.  It is applicable to both simple and complex forms of tics.  It consists of three important components: 1) tic awareness and understanding of tic urge, 2) developing and using competing behavior when urge is detected and 3) environmental changes to related to tics.  CBIT is a structured intervention delivered by a certified provider that typically lasts 8-10 sessions over a 3 month period.  It has been found effective for children, teens and adults. The following types of tics are examples of those addressed through CBIT:

Simple Motor Tics

-Neck jerking or head twisting

-Shoulder shrugging

-Nose movements

-Facial grimacing

-Eye movements and rapid blinking

-Body posturing

-Muscle tensing

Simple Vocal Tics

-Throat clearing

-Yelping, barking, screeching, grunting


-Sniffing, snorting

Complex Motor Tics

-Skipping, jumping, hopping

-Sequenced body movements

-Obscene gesturing

-Gyrating movements

Complex Vocal Tics


-Echolalia phrases or  words
